Bibiesse, Internet Club - The Voice of The Village
Bibiesse, Internet Club - The Voice of The Village
Bibiesse, Internet Club - The Voice of The Village



scroll bar A bar that appears on the side or bottom of a window to control which part of a list or document is currently in the window 's frame. The scroll bar makes it easy to move to any part of a file. Typically, a scroll bar has arrows at either end, a gray or colored area in the middle, and a scroll box (or elevator) that moves from one end to the other to reflect your position in the document. Clicking on the arrows causes the document to scroll in the indicated direction. You can also quickly move to any part of a document by dragging the scroll box to the corresponding part of the scroll bar. Many windowing systems support both horizontal and vertical scroll bars.

Bibiesse, Club - Di{git}ctionary - 1.3.1


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